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Le Lycée Saint-Cricq

« En vérité, le chemin importe peu, la volonté d’arriver suffit à tout »
– Albert CAMUS

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Actualité Récente

La société AQUITAINE ELECTRONIQUE recrute un Technicien(ne) Contrôle électronique dès que possible. Détail des missions du poste: Maîtrise des contrôles en cours de fabrication des produits électroniques Maîtrise de la réalisation de tests et essais sur des bancs et/ou baies Maîtrise du réglage de cartes électroniques Diagnostic des pannes et réalisation des réparations Respect des […]

La division Digital Factory offre un portefeuille intégré de solutions logicielles PLM (gestion du cycle de vie des produits) et de technologies d’automatisation de pointe. Elle aide ainsi les entreprises à améliorer la flexibilité et l’efficacité de leurs processus et à réduire les délais de mise sur le marché de leurs produits. La division Process […]

Tuesday 10th november, the 3 students in BTEC digital electonic systems and their partners of the Erasmus + project MO.R.E. made an excursion inland. The visited the Sassu museum in Thiesi and a cheese factory specialist of Pecorino Romano and Pecorino Sardo In Torralba, the students had the chance to visit Santu Antine nuraghe, an [...]
Atelier d'électronique
Sunday 8th november 2015, three students in electronics vocational school took a plane in Toulouse to fly to Sardinia. During their transit in Roma, their portuguese partners joined them. Monday 10th november, after being welcomed by the director assistant, all the partners visited the IPIA (vocational institute for industry and handcraft) and they discovered the [...]
Petit Prince

Nous sommes la classe de 2°1, du lycée Saint-Cricq. Avec notre professeur d’anglais, nous avons travaillé sur une séquence sur la solidarité, c’est-à-dire sur l’art de vivre ensemble, et plus précisément sur le sentiment d’appartenance à un groupe…

Vie scolaire numérique

Le lycée Saint Cricq propose à ses élèves différents outils numériques pour suivre toute l’actualité de l’établissement, de leur vie au lycée et de leur travail. Que ce soit via un ordinateur, une tablette ou un smartphone, l’accès à l’information est simplifiée.

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Warning: Undefined array key "tags" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 671

Warning: Undefined array key "tag_ids" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 672

Warning: Undefined array key "exclude" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 676

Warning: Undefined array key "offset" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 677

Warning: Undefined array key "customid" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 680

Warning: Undefined array key "commentslink" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 685

Warning: Undefined array key "authorlink" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 686

Warning: Undefined array key "categorieslink" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 688

Warning: Undefined array key "tagslink" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 689

Warning: Undefined array key "layoutdate" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 701

Warning: Undefined array key "layoutauthor" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 703

Warning: Undefined array key "layoutexcerpt" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 704

Warning: Undefined array key "layoutcontent" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 705

Warning: Undefined array key "layoutcomments" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 706

Warning: Undefined array key "layoutcategories" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 708

Warning: Undefined array key "layouttags" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 709

Warning: Undefined array key "imagesize" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 711

Warning: Undefined array key "useul" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 713

Warning: Undefined array key "category" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 756

Warning: Undefined array key "terms" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 760

Warning: Undefined array key "relation" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 668

Warning: Undefined array key "tags" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 671

Warning: Undefined array key "tag_ids" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 672

Warning: Undefined array key "exclude" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 676

Warning: Undefined array key "offset" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 677

Warning: Undefined array key "customid" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 680

Warning: Undefined array key "commentslink" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 685

Warning: Undefined array key "authorlink" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 686

Warning: Undefined array key "categorieslink" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 688

Warning: Undefined array key "tagslink" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 689

Warning: Undefined array key "layoutdate" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 701

Warning: Undefined array key "layoutauthor" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 703

Warning: Undefined array key "layoutexcerpt" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 704

Warning: Undefined array key "layoutcontent" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 705

Warning: Undefined array key "layoutcomments" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 706

Warning: Undefined array key "layoutcategories" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 708

Warning: Undefined array key "layouttags" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 709

Warning: Undefined array key "imagesize" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 711

Warning: Undefined array key "useul" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 713

Warning: Undefined array key "category" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 756

Warning: Undefined array key "terms" in /home/clients/bdc4ab895bc9a8afae0bb4021b10c493/sites/ on line 760
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