Tuesday 10th november, the 3 students in BTEC digital electonic systems and their partners of the Erasmus + project MO.R.E. made an excursion inland. The visited the Sassu museum in Thiesi and a cheese factory specialist of Pecorino Romano and Pecorino Sardo

In Torralba, the students had the chance to visit Santu Antine nuraghe, an antical construction made by the nuragic civilization who peopled Sardinia 3500 years ago.

Finally the afternoon ended in Bosa at the seafront, at fiume Temo’s mouth, the only navigable river in Saridnia.

Wednesday 11th november, the portuguese students animated a workshop on applications for mobile phones able to pilot LegoMindstorms robots via bluetooth. The partners could then test different programs made by the Italians to let the robot follow a black line automatically.

During the teachers’ meeting to organise the rest of the Erasmus+ project, especially with the learning mobility for teachers in february in Pau, the students spent the afternoon doing sport, principally basket-ball and soccer.

Thursday 12th november, pupils from several primary schools in Sassari cmae to IPIA to participate to the robot race contest. They used mobile phones and application found by portuguese students to drive the robots built by the Italians. One circuit lap was automatically timed thanks to system created by the french team.

The fastest pilots were rewarded and after the ceremony, the highschool’s headmaster Paolo Acone and the representative of the cultural department of Sassari’s city council paid tribute to this very rewarding experience for all students and pupils.

In the afternoon, an amazing show has been offered in the school’s board’s yard by flags jugglers (sbanderiatori in italian), coached by Danilo Nardi, partner teacher of Erasmus+ project. The partners could then learn basic moves in a very friendly atmosphere.